A ‘field of dreams’ for Coach Jim Bruno as he leads Good Counsel’s girls soccer team to his 500th coaching victory

(Photo by: Bruce Dorsey)
(Photo by: Bruce Dorsey)

Each year for the past 34 years, the head coach of the girls' varsity soccer team at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School has met with the team captains to ask his players to outline their core values and expectations for the season. "I ask the players, 'How do you want to be perceived?'" said Coach Jim Bruno, "then they set it, I hold them to it." 

These principles go beyond simply winning games as the team captains meet with players and decide on the seven or so goals – except for one. For the former Montgomery County police officer and combat medic who served in the Vietnam War, there is always one constant, an absolute rule for every team he leads – no whining allowed.


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