Jaclyn Troutner '16 Earns Girl Scouts Gold Award

Jaclyn Troutner '16 Earns Girl Scouts Gold Award

Congratulations to Good Counsel's Jaclyn Troutner '16 for earning the Girl Scouts' Gold Award on August 24, 2015. Each year, there are approximately 3,000 Girl Scouts who complete for the Gold Award, which is the Girl Scouts' highest honor. To earn the award, Jaclyn had to exhibit determination and leadership as she employed the Girl Scouts' seven-step process to tackle an issue concerning her community in a lasting way.

Last year, here at Good Counsel, Jaclyn Troutner created “Service For Performance”, an opportunity that allowed GC students to harness their musical or theatrical talents to brighten the lives of the area's elderly community. Now known as the "Embrace" club, Jaclyn's program allows students to earn service hours as they collaborate to create pre-rehearsed talent shows that are performed, free of charge, in various retirement or elderly centers in the area. Students attend after school rehearsals, where they work together to craft the performances and practice their individuals pieces. When the show is ready, they perform instrumental, acapella, and even theatrical acts to the delight of their elderly audience.     

Jaclyn's achievement will be formally recognized on May 14, 2015, at the Girl Scouts' "In Your Honor" ceremony.